German Shepherd. Pure Bred

I have a male pure bred shepherd of whom I delivered myself. I own his mother. He has full papers and pedigree and his litter is registered but I never got around to registering him so you can easily He is just over 3 yrs old but still thinks he s a puppy. He was born on March 9 2013. My husband and I planned on keeping him for ourselves and have put him through obedience and IPO training. He really is a fantastic dog however my husband took a contract and now he has become too much for me to handle between two small children school full time and another dog. As much as I hate to part with him I have to do what s best for my family. He s phenomenal with the kids and loves his ball. He constantly craves to be by your side and will go to hell and back with you no matter what. The price for him is negotiable but will be so on a case by case basis.



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