Maple - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Medium)Chihuahua Mix

Hi my name is Maple...and you guessed is because I am so incredibly sweet I am a 3-year-old Chihuahua wirehaired Terrier Mix. I weigh 7 lbs but don t let my small size fool you I was surrendered after my previous owner could no longer care for me after I was found having a litter of puppies under a shed. Because of the poor conditions not all of my puppies survived it. I am now in a foster home where I have learned so much fun stuff and I have a sweet and playful personality. I am a velcro dog that LOVES my humans. I enjoy taking long naps and also playing around. I have come out of my shell and am ready to find a home where I will be loved and cared for. If you are interested in giving me a home please go to -.-------X.- and complete an adoption application. I am spayed microchipped current on vaccinations Rabies Bordatella and heartworm negative on prevention. I can t wait to meet you Maple Terrier & Chihuahua Mix has been shared from Shelter Exchange.... More Info



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