Twiggy - Male Domestic Shorthair

Twiggy is a male DSH Brown Tan Tabby. Approx. 4 mos. (as of Sept. 2016). Twiggy was brought to GGOH after being found at a local camp ground scrounging for food. The couple who found Twiggy began giving him food and warmth while they looked for a rescue to help - no one would until they called us that is. Twiggy came to us very thin weighing only 2.3 lbs at 12 weeks old. With a lot of TLC and a proper diet Twiggy is doing marvelously and is acting like any kitten would. He loves to play with his rescue mates and snuggle up with a buddy when it s nap time. He s very friendly and affectionate and just as cute as a button BEFORE CONTACTING US REGARDING TWIGGY PLEASE REVIEW OUR ADOPTION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. -.--X.-... More Info



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