Izzie - Male American Shorthair

Clem Izzie & Tuffy are domestic shorthairs. Clem and Izzie are male Tuffy is female. These three cats came to GGOH after being born on a loading dock and were in harms way. All are healthy happy cats Born in early April 2015 they are now approx. 18 mos. (as of Sept. 2016) and full of life All are spay neutered microchipped and up-to-date on vaccinations. Clem and Izzie are best buds and it would be great to see them adopted together. Tuffy is more independent and doesn t have much time for her playful brothers antics but she gets along well with other cats and we ll often find her cuddled up with one of the older calmer cats in the room. All three are gems stop in and meet them you never know you might just fall in love.PLEASE READ OUR ADOPTION PROCESS INFORMATION BEFORE SUBMITTING ANY COMMUNICATION OR APPLICATION TO US. Thank you ... More Info



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