Fatboy - Male Chihuahua Mix

Want a pet that loves and likes to be loved Go no further Hi my name is Fatboy and I am a chubby 29-pound friendly brown and black Chihuahua Mix. I am healthy and a little over 6-years-old. My previous owner noted that he liked everything about me. I was surrendered to the SPCA of Texas on July 12 because my previous owner had inadequate house and yard space. I love to walk and am easy to walk. I love treats and love to be petted. I am a little afraid of lightening and if a human is near I will nudge his or her leg for protection. According to my previous owner I am ok with children and other dogs. However the SPCA of Texas suggests that I may do best in a home without small children. Did you know that you can bring your current vaccinated pets to the shelter to meet potential pets like me The previous owner indicated that I was mostly housebroken. After living in the shelter it may take me a couple of weeks to remember all of the housetraining in my new adoptive home. With patience and positive reinforcement I know that I can adjust well to new housetraining rules. I have been neutered microchipped and received my age-appropriate vaccinations. I have been dewormed except for Heartworms and have received Flea Tick preventatives. The SPCA of Texas has teamed with VCA Animal Hospitals to provide Heartworm Treatment at no expense to you the adopter. Please come and visit me. You will be glad you did Written by David R. SPCA of Texas volunteer. Primary Color Brown Secondary Color Black Weight 26.3 Age 6yrs 2mths 1wks... More Info



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