Lennon - Male DachshundChihuahua Mix

Lennon and Jude - 19 months Jude (female-left side of picture-black harness) Lennon (male-right side of picture-red harness)- MUST be adopted into the same home - Bonded Pair. Lennon and Jude (15 and 13 lb) are bonded Chiweenies born Dec 1 2014. Littermates these two sweet pups have very different personalities. Jude is outgoing and fearless while Lennon is tentative and sensitive. They both love sitting on your lap being petted or taking a nap beside you. House trained and intelligent - both understand several commands and love playing with each other. It makes their foster mom and dad laugh watching them play fight. They were recently around a five year old child and they did fine They like attention and are still young. They are sensitive to noise and will do best in a quieter home with older children. Jude & Lennon need a VERY specific home. They CANNOT live in s subdivision as they get overly stressed overly stimulated and bark constantly. Adoption fee 350 for the pair... More Info



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