Charlesaka Charlie - Male English Mastiff

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Fill out an Adoption Application Charlie is a very affectionate and loving mastiff. He is protective though friendly with people. Hourebroken and crate trained. LOVES car rides and bones He enjoys playing in water. We are getting to know him better. Climbs on laps and people no boundaries there but listens well. Knows sit down and stay like nobodies business.Application Fees Adoption Donations and Rescue Policy Please know that 100% of our funds are used for rescuing the dogs. Our rescue policy requires the following Adopters must have their primary residence in one of the following states Pennsylvania Ohio New Jersey Delaware Maryland West Virginia Virginia and parts of North Carolina. Applications for giant breed dogs must be submitted by the property owner. Homes with children under 6 years of age will not be approved for adoption. Homes with children should have a fenced yard. All references must be checked before any visitation of the dog is permitted at the foster home. All family members must be present during the home visit to the applicant s home. Any dog(s) in the applicant s home must have an introductory meeting with the rescue dog being applied for before any adoption can be completed. For additional information please review our FAQs or contact -----(at)---Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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