Torrey - Female American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Hi My name is Torrey and I am a SWEET WIGGLY gal looking for my NEW LIFE. I m still YOUNG so I have plenty to learn and would LOVE to find a forever home today The shelter s nice and all but I seem like just the kind of pup who would love a few TOYS of my own and love from a person of my own which I will HAPPILY RETURN via licks and kisses I like to go for walks outside and CUDDLE UP once I m tuckered out and content. I am WORKING HARD to be HOUSE TRAINED and love it when the nice volunteers take me outside for potty breaks. I love treats and would love to do some basic training with you I will already SIT for treats. Aren t I SMART Though I may let a jump slip every now and again it s just because I m SO HAPPY to be with you Wouldn t I make an awesome companion Please come visit with me in my kennel and let me show you what a FRIENDLY GIRL I am My adoption fee covers my spay surgery vaccinations microchip and much more. See you soon love Torrey. Primary Color Brown Secondary Color White Weight 30 Age 0yrs 11mths 1wks... More Info



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