DAISY MAE - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Visit Daisy Mae s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 2016 9 13 daisy-mae for photos and more.Sweet soft Daisy Mae looks like the cutest brown and white cow around. A bit shy at first this goofy gal quickly comes out of her shell and showers everyone with kisses cuddles and love.Just as she is with humans Daisy Mae is a bit shy when she first meets new dogs. Once she has about five minutes to get acquainted with her new pals she becomes her silly self once again. A playtime enthusiast Daisy Mae would love to go to a home with one or two canine siblings.After a hard day of play Daisy Mae just wants to curl up on the couch preferably with you. She thinks she s the perfect lap dog and wouldn t say no to a nice belly rub. We think she would do especially well with children and would be the perfect nap time snuggle buddy.Daisy Mae is a total smarty-pants who already knows some basic commands. She s great on leash and regularly checks in with her person for guidance. She is eager to learn new things so training this girl should be a breeze.This sweet girl really is the perfect young dog social silly smart and cute as can be. If you are looking for an affectionate cuddle buddy who loves everyone head over to the shelter and meet Miss Daisy Mae today PBSOC offers adoption counseling via email for large-breed dogs at ------XX(at)---. Visit our adoption page or fill out our adoption application and email it to us. Also like us on Facebook ... More Info



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