5419 Docia Circle

Country paradise in the middle of Fayetteville 2 blocks from Cross Creek Mall. This 3 Street addition of Kendallwood Oaks is quiet safe and friendly a great neighborhood. Lots of space for a growing young family huge game room or could be a huge master bedroom 24 x 24 with addition 11x 12 room that could be a bedroom or become a huge master closet every women s dream. Has a full bathroom 8 x 12 with a washer and dryer connections also has a full kitchen. ( This could be what some call a Mother in-law suite or become a Hugh master bedroom) great family-room 24 x 20 formal living room13 x 13 eat in kitchen all appliances stay 2 pantries one walk in and one off kitchen office workout room with a awesome woods view detached 2 car garage in backyard with 1 2 bath cable and phone. Lots of parking triple car in front triple car in rear drive up garage 2 separate parking 30 drive with electrical for RV Camper parking. lots of updates quick occupancy beautiful fenced front yard and rear yard great garden and garden house with 5 raised beds. An additional 120 x 150 fenced lot with small barn and dog run. River fishing (Bass crappie catfish)50 from your backyard house comes with canoe built in brick fire place and grill and entertainment area. Don t let the front view fool you this is a huge house that comes with a full 1 year home warranty covering all plumbing electrical appliances ect. 360 degree 8 Camera Video surveillance camera security system with night vision recording IP monitoring . Closing Costs can be occupied in before or at closing MLS info listed below Picture don t do this house and yard justice anyway. So many amenities and bonus s that other listings don t have and certainly not at this price. The Tax Value on the property is 147 200.00 since the Cumberland County Tax update 22 June 2013 from 1575sq ft 104000.00 to 2247sq ft 147200.00 . NICE HOME. Listed on Prudentail All American Homes site with 24 pictures MLS402548 Call Bill 910-286-6740 cell or 910-487-9986 home or Jay Dowdy 910-257-3754



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