MOONBEAM - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Visit Moonbeam s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 08 21 moonbeam for photos and more.Some dogs have such a beautiful resilient spirit they remind us why we love dogs so much and Moonbeam is one of those dogs. She perhaps hasn t had the easiest past but she hasn t let any experience sour her on people. She s hopeful about her future and eager to make up for lost time in soaking up all the affection she deserves. This darling girl lives for human connection and companionship and she is going to be a treasure as someone s best friend and true love.Moonbeam has a very soft personality and truly could not be any sweeter. She drops to the ground if she thinks she s done anything to displease her person and she dearly wants to make her people happy. She enjoys the company of other dogs and would be a good companion for a gently playful male dog in the home. She is ready to be in a loving supportive home where she can build confidence and be treated as an adored indoor family member. She s a rock star on leash so will be a wonderful companion for walks hikes or jogs. She will be thrilled to be at your side wherever you go.Moonbeam is treat motivated and eager to please but most of all she just needs a family that will reward and praise her for good behavior. She doesn t do any wrong and harsh words are too much for her soft spirit. She s going to be an amazing family companion so come meet Moonbeam today and see why we are all so in love with her.PBSOC offers adoption counseling via email for large-breed dogs at ------XX(at)---. Visit our adoption page or fill out our adoption application and email it to us. Also like us on Facebook ... More Info



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