MUFASA - Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Rock star alert Mufasa is seriously yummy goodness. This guy has the face you want to go up and squish and kiss he is as adorable as they come and sweet as candy This guy doesn t seem know how to do anything else but smile. Although the shelter is such an icky place to have to be housed somehow this guy finds something to grin about Maybe it is all the people who walk by because he surely loves people To him people are the best thing ever and he just can t contain himself so get ready for this major wiggle butt to squirm his way on your lap. He is good with other dogs and would love a canine pal or two to hang with Other than affection his favorite things include water walks toys and playing with his canine pals He is very sweet affectionate and we are not sure if his butt ever stops wiggling - he is just that happy He wants to be a lap dog and we really find nothing wrong with that how awesome are 50-lb lap dogs He has a way of bringing tons of joy to those around him and he knows how to get the party started We hope his joyous spirit is contagious and he can spread that happiness around Who couldn t use some more happy in your life We are head over heels for this total studmuffin - he is an absolutely amazing dog Don t miss out come adopt him today Visit Mufasa s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 2016 9 05 mufasa for photos and more.PBSOC offers adoption counseling via email for large-breed dogs at ------XX(at)---. Visit our adoption page or fill out our adoption application and email it to us. Also like us on Facebook ... More Info



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