Cupcake - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

Sometimes comfort food is so alluring a carrot cake cupcake for instance. But who needs comfort food when Cupcake the dog is in the house She will calm your nerves raise your serotonin levels and entertain you so you won t be bored. To top that off she is smart and very trainable.Cupcake does have a sensitive side. She is upset if you correct her harshly verbally and she gets worried about sudden movements and some noises. Older children over ten should be mature enough to respect her feelings.Full of frisky fun and play Cupcake could enjoy having a dog companion in her family if they are a good match. An overly interested large dog is not on her list of dance partners though.What this little dog needs is some training as she will be charmed by the expansion of her brain and the extra special bond with you. The basics of verbal and body language cues are of course needed but this little but capable dog could star in sports like Scenting and Agility. Don t forget that even small dogs need exercise. She is too young to have lost her waistline. Don t overfeed her and give her at least two great walks a day. Can you tire her out Stock up your toy basket and have a lifetime of good times with Cupcake. Mmmm Primary Color Wheaten Weight 8.2 Age 3yrs 0mths 1wks... More Info



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