Arnold - Male Labrador RetrieverPit Bull Terrier Mix

I have to tell you that we fell in love with Arnold. Yes he pulls on the leash jumps up to say hi to your face and lacks training. But he is a love very sociable. He loves balls (use two tossing one between your hands to draw him back from getting the first one) and soft squeaky toys. He needs tons of exercise but has not yet learned to come when distracted. Put his Sense-ation Harness on him and get going A well fenced yard will be a huge advantage to living with Arnold. He is not an apartment dog. In fact this big baby cries when left alone. Someone should be home most of the time to start gradually leaving him for itty bits of time so he gets used to them returning.Because of his strength his family needs to be fit and sturdy. He can learn to focus on them instead of the world at large. We don t know his background but he didn t learn the basics. He is eager to learn He is athletic bright happy and loving. He wants to have fun Both Labradors and Pit Bulls tend to be overly enthusiastic players using their brawn and forgetting their brains. Dog parks are places that encourage wild behaviors please avoid them. Now that he is neutered it will be easier for him to concentrate on you. He is too strong and willful for smaller dogs and other animals.Arnold needs some work but he has what it takes to be a representative of his breed mix. He might try to sit in your lap. He will smile for you and be your best friend. He is handsome and so appealing. We can t wait to see him in Family Dog classes. Try Scenting work as well to see how talented he is. Primary Color Chocolate Secondary Color White Weight 70 Age 2yrs 0mths 2wks... More Info



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