Chopper - Male English Bulldog Mix

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ADOPTING THIS PET PLEASE COMPLETE AN ADOPTION APPLICATION FOUND ON OUR WEBSITE HTTP FUREVERTAILS.COM ADOPTIONS.Meet Chipper Chopper is a 2yr English Bulldog mix. He is ok with cats good with other dogs but would be best in a home without young children. Chopper is working on his manners. He is learning that it is not acceptable to jump on people. Chopper could use some basic obedience training but otherwise he is a very sweet and loving boy Chopper is MicrochippedUp-to-Date on Vaccines (Distemper Bordatella and Rabies)Heartworm NegativeReceiving Heartworm PreventionReceiving Flea PreventionNeuteredAdoption Fee 200Furever Tails is a non-profit no-kill foster home based animal rescue based out of Oakland Township MI. Our foster animals are living in our foster homes and treated like family until they find their own furever family. Our adoption process requires an application to be completed and approved before a meet-n-greet with the animal can take place. Adoption fees are necessary to help us cover vetting costs for our rescued animals.... More Info



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