Captain Jack Sparrow - Male Beagle Mix

Ahoy matey Okay - corny I know but I couldn t resist with a name like Captain Jack Sparrow. Though I must say I think I m a bit more distinguished than the famous crazy movie pirate that I m named after. I m a 10-year old purebred Beagle who weighs 32 pounds. Come visit and I ll give you a proper gentlemanly greeting with a tail wag and a happy grin. I love to get attention and a good back scratch. Beware - if I don t get enough attention I ll turn the chocolate brown doggie eyes on you. No one can resist I was surrendered to the SPCA of North Texas on July 29. I am heartworm positive but thanks to generous donors my treatments are FREE to my new family at any Metroplex-area VCA Animal Hospital once I ve been adopted. Your only investment is taking me for treatment and showing me love. I have been neutered microchipped and have received all age-appropriate vaccinations. Don t miss out - come see me today Written by Michelle P. SPCA of Texas volunteer. Primary Color White Secondary Color Tan Weight 31.1 Age 10yrs 9mths 2wks... More Info



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