Coop (Acc) - Female American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

A volunteer writes In addition to her natural beauty (Coop has two different-colored eyes and a calm and statuesque presence) Coop is quite possibly the most polite dog I ve ever met. When we go for walks she stays right beside me and instead of pulling ahead she patiently waits for me every time we pass through a door or gate. When I ask Coop to sit for a treat she calmly and slowly sits down and looks up at me. Of course when I offer her her reward she takes one sniff and turns up her nose (I guess she has discerning tastes to go along with that glamorous look ). Amid a room full of barking dogs that can easily stress some dogs out Coop remains calm and collected in her cage silently sitting or lying down until someone comes by to take her out. When I walk up to her I usually say Coop do you even want to go out to which she responds by sitting up and coming over to the front of the cage. Of course she does She s just playing it cool. If you re looking for a calm beautiful and patient dog please come and see Coop today.... More Info



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