MILO - Male Border Collie Mix

Check out Milo s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 07 31 milo for more information and gorgeous photos.Have you ever seen a better doggy smile than Milo s We sure haven t. This handsome young guy is so much more than just a charming smile and a pretty face though. He s smart highly social and a bundle of fun.Milo is playful and tolerant with other dogs. He would be an awesome companion for a playful female dog in the home and he will keep the humans in the house highly entertained with his silly play moves. He does lots of stiff play bows and bounces around like a goof. He also loves to flop on the ground and roll around. Milo happily gets into the kiddy pool at the shelter so he might make a great companion for water activities as well. He also enjoys dog toys and playing fetch and he basks in human attention. He ll be so happy to have a family who loves on him and treats him like the indoor family member he deserves to be.Milo is a happy boy whose joy can t help but rub off on everyone around him. His intelligence and people-pleasing attitude ensure he will be a joy to bond with and train and he ll always look to his people for guidance. Come meet this dreamy pup today and bring a leash because Milo is ready to make your home 100 percent happier.Did you know PBSOC offers adoption counseling via email for large-breed dogs at ------XX(at)--- To learn more visit our adoption page and to get started fill out our adoption application and email it to us. Also be sure to like us on Facebook ... More Info



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