Teddy - Male MaltesePoodle (Miniature) Mix

This is a courtesy list not a SPOT Rescue dog. For more information regarding Teddy contact Robin at info below. Teddy is a two year old neutered male Malti-Poo. He is a very sweet gentle mellow dog while with his owners or other people. He walks okay on a leash is good around other dogs and is house trained. He is good with kids although he doesn t really play no fetch tug-o-war etc for Teddy. He has a bit of separation anxiety. A perfect home for Teddy would be someone who does not leave him too much or if when left for an extended period of time have a neighbor or friend able to watch him. Another perfect match would be someone with the ability to train or work with his behavior to possibly modify it with the understanding it might not ever get completely better. In return Teddy will be a loyal and loving companion. Contact Robin -.-.-X . ... More Info



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