WILLIE - Male Shih Tzu

AVAILABLE FOR A LOVING FAMILY Willie is a delightful four year old 16 lb male Shih Tzu with tons of personality Willie is good with friendly dogs of all sizes and cats. He is currently in a foster home with 3 dogs and a bossy cat and fits right in with the pack. Willie is house trained and crate trained - he loves going in to his crate to nap or just hang out with his toys. Willie came to SPOT Rescue from a local shelter with his left eye missing which gives him the adorable pirate look and he gets lots of love and attention from everyone he meets. He would do best in a home with respectful children over the age of 12 and he adores hanging out with guys - his 20 year old human foster brother is his favorite person Willie walks beautifully on a leash and is pretty low energy so a walk around the block suits him perfectly or he can just hang out and play with his toys and cuddle with his humans. Willie is true to the Shih Tzu breed he would love a confident leader so he can relax and be the amazing companion that he is. His favorite things are affection from his humans gathering all of the doggie toys and placing them on his dog bed so he knows exactly where everything is and sitting on your lap while you read or watch TV. Composer James Mumsford described the Shih Tzu as ... a dash of lion several teaspoons of rabbit a couple of ounces of domestic cat one part court jester a dash of ballerina a pinch of old man a bit of beggar a tablespoon of monkey one part baby seal (and) a dash of teddy bear. Willie s adoption fee of 225.00 includes his neuter microchip and current vaccinations. For an adoption application visit -X ----X.- adoption-application-dogs or email SPOT at -X(at)-----XX to meet Willie To follow Willie on her way to a loving family on SPOT s Facebook page visit -XX --XX.- spotsavespets ... More Info



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