Starbright - Male BeagleHound (Unknown Type) Mix

Please contact Jerry (--X(at)---) for more information about this pet.Go to -.----XX.- and use the online application form My foster mom s daughter (my step-sister ) named me Starbright and I must admit I m a shining star. I m a very athletic and fun-loving small hound. No none can tell me what kind of hound I am but I m marked like an American Leopard Hound and about the size of a large Beagle. I really love to play with other dogs and get along with the other dogs in my foster home. While playing with them is lots of fun I know I can t stay. I also love to go on hikes with other dogs I don t even know and don t chase cats if they re not running. Are you my new mom or dad Go to -.----XX.- and use the online application form ... More Info



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