PTE EXAM classes near Vaishali at Indirapuram

Adviks English Academy Pvt Ltd is one of the leading Study abroad consultants& training academy in Noida and Indirapuram. If you want to study abroad and are looking for an international Masters Undergraduate degree this is your one-stop destination for getting admission to leading universities. We provide the industry best trainings on IELTS PTE GRE TOEFL GMAT SAT. Our trainings are designed to give the candidates sufficient practice in the techniques required for taking the test and enhancing their confidence. Our specially tailored training programmes give the candidates the right direction to crack the tests with high scores. Course includes Live training sessions at our centre Access to Comprehensive Study Material Tips to handle each section Listening Reading Writing and Speaking 10 Practice tests given under simulated exam conditions Why choose us Complete understanding of each section Experienced Faculty with more than 15 years of experience High scores of 80 overall achieved by our students Reasonable Fee Detailed written & oral feedback on each writing or speaking task Proven systems and techniques that really work Who should enrol All students planning to take their test for the first time Students who want to improve their Score from previous attempts Details of our training Regular weekdays and weekend batches available Enquire about the course 9811097965



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