Fuzzy Bear - Male Golden RetrieverCollie Mix

Fuzzy Bear comes to us from Fresno County Animal Shelter as part of our Pet Partnership Program. He is a big sweet dog who likes people and dogs alike. Although he may seem a little reserved on first meeting he warms up very quickly and is a very affectionate soul. Fuzzy was very polite meeting both large and small dogs and should make a good second dog in the household provided he is well matched with the resident dog. Fuzzy s exercise should not be excessive. Figure on a couple of long walks per day. It doesn t appear that Fuzzy has had much formal training so sign him up for a Family Dog I class and go from there.Fuzzy Bear is a very sweet dog who is now looking for a good forever home to call his own. If you have one to share take a look at Fuzzy Bear you won t be disappointed. Primary Color Cream Weight 61.2 Age 3yrs 0mths 0wks... More Info



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