best deal in ottawa for tropical fish - Price: 70 or trade

70 or trade for red aarowna or afew eels. I have a breeding pair of jewel cichlid 2 weather loaches 2 rainbow sharks 2 silver hatchet 1 albino Cory 1 Schwartz catfish 1 porthole catfish 1 banjo catfish 1 bumblebee catfish 1 glass catfish 1 spotted gourami 1 Paradise fish 1zebra danio 1 gold alge eater 1holland ram 1yoyo loach and 1 albino walking catfish. His tails bin nibbled on tho. Still a rare add. I am willing to take origanal trade ideas. Keep in mind I like bichirs eels and I am seeking sand. axolotls . Ornaments for eels to hind in. . Aswell as jewelry and I dunno. Lol make offers ppl



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