Loki - Male Carolina DogAmerican Bulldog Mix

Hello My name is Loki and I m looking for a family I m about 18 month old Carolina Dog American Bulldog mix. Interesting combination right I was born in a rural area where I lived on the streets with my two brothers. They were the only family I had ever known.... that is until Dogs of Hilltown rescued us Now I live in a foster home and supposedly I live up to my name....or so my foster mom says I LOVE to play and am always looking to have fun Now that I m off the streets and always have a full belly and a comfy bed... I m as happy as can be I m a happy go lucky dog (No idea what that means but that s what the volunteers at DOH say )I love to chew on bones and I love to be LOVED I love to get hugs and kisses Since I ve never really been around small kids- I d probably do well in a home that has kids around 10 years old and older. I ve never had toys before so this whole fetch thing is so awesome I almost have the hang of it If you d like to meet me- please contact Dogs of Hilltown I m a really good boy and I m so excited to find my furever family --------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------If you are interested in adoption one of our dogs please submit an online application. You can find the application on our website DogsofHilltown.org adopt application --------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------Dogs of Hilltown is located near Little Elm Texas and for the safety of our dogs we only accept adoption applications from the DFW Metroplex. We are a foster based 501c3 nonprofit rescue. We know and treat each and every dog like they are our own family members. We love these dogs and we want the best for them. We require all those interested in our dogs and puppies to fill out an adoption application complete with personal and veterinary references. Once an application has been approved DOH schedules a homecheck with the potential adopter.Our adoption fee is 200 - that includes- all age appropriate vaccinations sterilization and microchip. All our dogs are heartworm and fecal tested and vetted to the fullest before they are adopted out. We take pride in the health of our former street dogs. They came from horrible conditions and we never want them to feel another moment of illness or pain. Dogs of Hilltown is devoted to finding the perfect family for our wonderful dogs. If you think you would like to adopt a dogs of Hilltown pup or dog please send us a message and we will forward you an adoption application ... More Info



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