Archie - Male Beagle Mix

Archie 8 year old neutered beagle mix. Up to date on vaccinations microchipped housetrained. Adoption fee 150.00Due to the high volume of emails received we recommend you visit our website and fill out an adoption application. This does not obligate you to adopt it just helps us determine if a certain dog is a good fit for your household. Adoption applications can be found at -.-----XX.-. Thank you Archie is a sweet as they come He is great with people dogs cats. We would recommend him not being placed with children under 8 as he is a little skittish. He wants nothing more than to be with his people. He follows his foster mom from room to room and sleeps at her feet. He would be happiest in a home where he isn t left alone for long periods of time. He is a little sound sensitive and would do best in a quiet peaceful home. He walks great on a leash and rides perfectly in the car. Overall Archie is an easy keeper who just wants to be your shadow ... More Info



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