Denver - Male Hound (Unknown Type)Husky Mix

Denver is very quiet and curious. He loves to sniff everything on walks and around the house (must be the hound). He walks pretty well on a leash and is beginning to respond to sit and his name when called. He seems to be potty trained no accidents yet in the house and potties as soon as you take him outside. He walks into his crate pretty easily and only whines for a minute before settling in. He LOVES chew toys and definitely needs strong ones We are working on him understanding it is okay to share his toys. He loves kids and dogs and even does well with his foster sibling kitties He is curious and wants the cats to play but responds appropriately when they tell him no . He is such a sweet and loving dog and has the most beautiful blue eyes and curious personality. You can find out more about Denver by emailing -X(at)-----X. Because we require home visits we only adopt locally to the Dallas Fort Worth area. For more on adoption policies please see the Adopt page of our website -.----.-.... More Info



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