Rose - Female Calico Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Meet one of the Golden Girls - Rose This little kitten is the product of a yucky cat hoarding trailer park. Luckily for Rose and her sisters Dorothy and Blanche and her mom Freya they were rescued from this location. They are all looking for their loving new home and leaving the days of the icky cat filled trailer park behind them. Rose is a beautiful calico kitten. She was the smallest and sickest of her litter but she doesn t let that stop her from being a big personality. Rose loves the company of people and other cats. We are not sure what she might have met living on the dirty streets but she seems pretty laid back and able to handle any situation.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.What s included in the adoption fee All cats and kittens in the It s All About the Cats adoption program will be spayed or neutered current on vaccines (rabies and FVRCP combo vaccines) microchipped and treated for internal and external parasites. ... More Info



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