Blueberry - Male Rat Terrier Mix

Want a pet that is loveable and playful Look no further. Hi. My name is Blueberry and I am a nine pound friendly black white and tan Terrier Rat Mix. I m not sure why I was named after a berry but blueberries are good for you and maybe I am too. I am healthy and a little over four years old. According to the previous owner I am very loveable and playful . I was surrendered to the SPCA of Texas on August 5 2016 because the previous owner had too many animals. I love to walk and am easy to walk. I love treats and love to be petted on the belly. According to the previous owner I am ok with kids. I have been neutered microchipped and received my age-appropriate vaccinations. I have been dewormed except for Heartworms and have received Flea Tick preventatives. The SPCA of Texas has teamed with VCA hospitals to provide Heartworm Treatment at no expense to you the adopter. Please come and visit me. You will not regret it. Written by David SPCA of Texas volunteer. Primary Color Black Secondary Color White Weight 9.08 Age 4yrs 0mths 4wks... More Info



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