DOBBY - Male Chihuahua Mix

Hi My name is Dobby and I m so ready to be adopted my foster family has done a great job getting me to this point. When I arrived at Front Street you wouldn t know that I am even the same dog You see when I came in to Front street I was completely bald and pink not one strand of fur on me. I was quite sick I tested positive for parvo and demodex and with the help of Front Street and my foster family I blossomed into the dog you see today. I m doing well but can still be shy at first but I promise I will warm up with a little bit of time and understanding. I get along well with my foster s resident dogs and cats too. I enjoy going for walks and my foster family tell me I walk nice on a leash for a little guy. They also said not to forget to mention that I m housetrained too.I overheard my foster dad say that I m such a good little dog that he wished he could adopt me but this way if I get adopted my family can help other dogs like me find a forever home.If you want to meet the dog you have always dreamed of please email our foster coordinator at --XX(at)------XX and tell them Dobby is pulling at your heartstrings )... More Info



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