Fall Marketings/Events Internship

Are you ready to get your hands dirty Literally. Pretty Muddy E4W LLC. is looking for Fall interns to join the team. Pretty Muddy is a women s only 5k adventurous obstacle course mud run walk. With 5 events in 2012 we re tackling 8-12 this year and are looking for some key players to add to the team We re looking for dynamic energetic and creative individuals to bring their passion for events and marketing to life. We ll need assistance in the management and execution of our national women s only mud run series. Interns will have the opportunity to be involved in several aspects of the company including day-to-day event operations logistics community outreach social media marketing PR sponsor integration and registration. Traveling to events is a possibility as well All applicants must be highly organized and motivated. Enthusiasm flexibility organization good communication skills attention to detail and professionalism are attributes necessary to successfully perform the tasks of the internship. We wouldn t mind having someone with a sense of humor around the office as well. Pretty Muddy Interns will be based out of our downtown Chicago office but will have opportunities to do assignments from home school as well as the office. This internship is an unpaid position. If you d like to apply to be a Pretty Muddy Intern please email your resume and cover letter



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