Elsa - Female Shih Tzu

Elsa was released from a breeder in early August 2016. Since then she has stayed with her foster family. Elsa is apprehensive around new people and scatters away if someone makes too quick of movements but once she warms up to you she loves to cuddle. Elsa is doing well overall with the other dogs in the household but is still learning how to play. Elsa has not went on many walks but enjoys running around in a fenced yard with the other dogs. She does well at being in the kennel during the day while her foster parents are at work. She loves spending time sitting or laying next to her foster mom. Elsa is a fairly submissive dog. She does not try to dominate other dogs. Her potty training is going along well but occasionally has a small accident. Elsa is still learning to play with toys and has recently started eating treats which has helped to build trust. Elsa would probably do best in a calmer household but with parents who are agile enough to catch her when she is skittish. She also would prefer to sleep in bed with her family. Elsa does well in the car too but actively looks out the window. Elsa will love you and trust you with some time and attention given to make her feel secure. Elsa will require ongoing eye medication to help with her eyesight. Elsa s adoption fee including MN state taxes is 375.46. She is available to adopt within a 50 mile radius of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis Saint Paul. If you d like to meet Elsa please attend our Nice To Meet Tzu adoption events held the second Sunday of each month from 12-2pm at the Edina Chuck & Don s (private meet and greets are not available please check our Events calendar the day before to see if the dog you are interested in is attending.) To submit an adoption application please click here to fill out our online application. Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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