Gibbs - Male Siberian Husky

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Here is a handsome fellow in need of a permanent home. Gibbs is playful and energetic. He loves go on walks and behaves well on lead so would make a great companion for someone who s looking to get some exercise. Gibbs has some basic obedience training under his belt and is highly treat motivated. He is also crate trained.Gibbs does have some anxiety issues (probably stemming from the fact that he s been through several homes in his short life). His foster parents have been helping him work through this and he is now ready for adoption. He does take anti-anxiety medication and between the meds and training his issues are well-managed at this time. This affectionate boy gets along with other dogs but could also do well in a home as an only dog where he gets plenty of attention from his humans. Because of his anxiety he will do best in a home with older children. He is not recommended to a home with cats.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet. Note We only adopt dogs within Indiana and a 100 mile radius of surrounding states. If you are out of state and interested in adopting a rescued husky please contact your local animal shelter for a list of local rescue organizations.



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