CLOVER - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Check out Clover s webpage -X ----X.- 2016 02 05 clover-2 for more information and photos.We ve got your lucky 4 legged Clover right here . A rare find and kind spirit Clover is very affectionate and loves to give kisses. Her leash manners are fantastic and likes to walk and explore with you. Walks would be a good thing for this fairly recent Mama as she is trying to get that girlish figure back. Clover had a boyfriend at the shelter named Dave and would do great with another mellow and mannerly male canine companion at home. She has a mild case of demodex and once healthy she will have a healthy coat of silky chocolate.This smiling sweetheart will be a great companion for someone as soft and gentle as she is. She deserves a home where she can be pampered and part of the family. Could you offer her the Pot O Gold at the end of the rainbow Since Clover needs treatment for her demodex (a non-contagious skin condition) she is available for foster-to-adopt. What that means is that you can bring her home make her part of the family and the shelter will treat her at no cost to you. Once her skin is healthy you can then make it official Clover is in foster. Complete our adoption application and email it to us today at ------XX(at)--- if you d like to make her your lucky Clover ... More Info



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