Willow - Female BoxerBulldog Mix

Enchanting Willow is three years old. She is a Boxer Bully mix on the small side. Her spirit is gentle and calming. She lives to please and be part of your soul. She walks off leash keeping eye on you never to stray out of sight. Of course she doesn t mind a leash either. Her heart is gold and the dummy that dumped her is blind to the immeasurable value of this little girl. There is certainly something special about Willow. She is good with all other dogs cats and all people. At the shelter after her walks she would go to every cage and check on the inhabitants as if to give encouragement and a touch of love. She loves all and gives all. She is a prize and guaranteed to make your life shine brighter than ever. Better than good medicine Willow brings with her the capacity to nourish your life like magic. She has a calling .is it with you IF you think you are worthy of such a girl please contact Adopt a Husky of Dallas Inc. Applications are required. Go to -.---XX.- and complete the Pre-Foster Adoption Application and send to -----(at)---.... More Info



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