Salmon Arm - Office Space in Brand New Architectural/Eco Bldg

1120 25 Street NE Salmon Arm BC V1E 2S3 Great location for brand new professional office space in the SASCU Uptown Building. This stunning architectural building features sustainable design and innovative use of materials energy and resources. The building features a ground coupled fresh air ventilation system for consistent year round temperature and low or no-VOC emitting materials to keep the indoor air fresh. A Living Green Roof will provide natural insulation and reduce heating cooling costs. Three office lease spaces available on the second floor of this brand new building - 645 732 and 2569 square feet at 16- 18 sf. Spaces are open and bright with lots of windows and mountain views. Building will have nice main entrance with stairs and or elevator security system outdoor patio and lots of parking. As prospective tenants of this new building SASCU envisions a community of businesses that compliment each other in the pursuit of shared goals. MLS 10069083 For more information please call Jim Grieve at 250-833-6312 or visit Marketed by Jim Grieve Realtor Personal Real Estate Corporation Homelife Salmon Arm Realty Toll Free 1-800-890-9166



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