Razz - Male Maine Coon Mix

Razz has movie star good looks with the personality to match- He s a Maine Coon mix medium long haired brown tabby with four white paws and bib and they don t come much cuter than him He seriously belongs on a bag of kitten food He is the first to greet us and has so much spunk- such a fun little guy. He falls asleep in the funniest positions and really brightens our day He s in a loving foster home with his sister Meela and his brother Ratigan. Please consider adopting him with one of them.As with most SPOT cats and kittens Razz will be neutered he s up-to-date on his vaccines he s been dewormed he tested negative to FELV and he s micro chipped.His adoption fee is 125.00.If you re interested in adopting Razz please fill out the cat adoption application below -X ----X.- adoption-application-catsTo follow updates on SPOT kittens finding their fur ever family LIKE us on Facebook -XX --XX.- spotsavespets ... More Info



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