Partner for Alberta Oil Services Company. 5500000

The Affordable Business Partner connects buyers & sellers of businesses and commercial real estate in Alberta. Who can we introduce you to An Alberta Oil & Gas Management Company that specializes in finding and the procurement of undervalued Oil Field Services Business is currently looking for equity partners for the purchase of an Alberta Oil Services Company. What our client is searching for in a partner. Though our client s management team offers many years of experience in growing and managing oil service related businesses they are open to exploring new areas of expertise and additional relationships provided by their new partners. Investment level 5 500 000The company at a glance This targeted 20-year-old company provides a variety of oil-related services for its long and established clientele throughout Western Canada. The average revenue stream of over 10 000 000 during the last 6 years. Projects can range in size from 5 man crews to 150 man workforce with multiple subcontractors under management. The company enjoys an extensive list of quality assets and experienced personnel. Selling a business is easy. Finding a buyer is not. We offer several low-cost options to help you find buyers for your business. Find out how. Visit The Affordable Business



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