Baxter - Male PugChihuahua Mix

Baxter is an adorable young dog who is overwhelmed by his circumstances. He may not have gotten out and about in his young life so he still has much to experience. His new adopters should have patience with him and introduce him slowly to new things in his environment. Baxter has a mild interest in toys but his attention is aimed at his environment right now. Playing games with toys will engage him and build his confidence. Enrolling him in a small dog training class will help to strengthen your bond with him.Baxter really perked up when he met several dogs both large and small. So he does have a bit of bravado in him. His approach is rather forward but playful. As his confidence begins to grow Baxter will emerge as a delightful and fun little dog. Take this journey with Baxter and make a world of difference for this young dog. Primary Color White Secondary Color Apricot Weight 9 Age 0yrs 9mths 1wks... More Info



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