Homes for Sale Cashmere WA

The City of Cashmere is situated in the Washington state at the foot of Cascade mountains and on the banks of River Wenatchee. To the east flows the beautiful river Columbia with irrigation water that converts thousands of desert-like fields into valuable farmlands. If you are looking forward to making a real estate investment may be a house or land it is advised that Cashmere can be a great place. Read this blog to know about the community of Wenatchee wenatchee-land-for-salePamela Cooke has been offering Real Estate business to her clients for over 20 years and knows each and every corner of the city by heart. Therefore you can expect the best property deals from her listings. Have a consultation with her on Cashmere or Wenatchee Land for Sale. Or if you are looking for Homes for Sale Cashmere WA just near the beautiful Cascade mountains call her at (509) 679-4625.Contact Information Wenatchee Valley PropertyURL www.wenatcheevalleyproperty.comAddress 517 North Wenatchee Avenue Wenatchee WA 98801Office Phone (509) 662-7184Mobile (509) 679-4625Email pam(at)windermere.comFax (509) 662-2656



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