The Historic Pantry Restaurant in Green Mountain Falls Colorado

Looking for someone to continue the 60 year tradition of this beautiful lake view & creek side mountain restaurant. Everything is included in the sale to continued to make it successful for years to come the menu the recipes and the great name that s been around for 60 years that has been the cornerstone of this beautiful restaurant. The Pantry Restaurant is successful rock solid well established well known and well loved. A rare business opportuntity. This very popular restaurant is located in the foothill west of Colorado Springs in the shadows of Pikes Peak and is situated across from a beautiful mountain lake and the Catamount Creek that flows though the outdoor dining patio called The Pantry Gardens that totally enhances this property. There is in addition to the restaurant inside there is an outdoor grill smoker and bar located in the Pantry Gardens where you can serve great food and a favorite glass of wine while listen to some local entertainment. The beautiful Green Mountain Falls is a very popular mountain destination area that the tourist comes to visit play and stay. Several famous local festivals are held here annually one called The Pikes Peak Hill Climb The income support the list price. Slide Show is available upon request. For Information please call or e-mail me. Clifford Edward Bruce - Independent Broker 719-306-5394



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