If your looking for a place to make many good memories.....Cottage with playhouse tool shed and garage looking out over Black Lake NY in St. Lawrence County 30 miles from Thousand Islands Bridge in Upstate NY. Cottage has water view and looks out over the lake not on the water. State boat ramp a few miles down the road. Has a rather large enclosed front porch with several windows all finished porch with knotty pine. Bar divides kitchen from living room. All rooms open. Needs a little work but all in all pretty nice cottage. We carry in our own drinking water but use water for everything but drinking and we have never run out of water. We have had up to 11 people sleeping in cottage and have had many years of nice vacations there. Selling because we want to travel. There is a bigger garage and another smaller bedroom bathroom with tub with shower. Has a propane furnace in case you get cold. REDUCED TO 75 900 w seller offering 2000 to buyer for repairs at closing. Send an email to bobbybis(at) MAKE AN OFFER SO YOU CAN MAKE YEARS OF MEMORIES AT YOUR COTTAGE (at) BLACK LAKE NY. If you leave your telephone number I will call you back. This ad will be deleted when cottage has been sold.



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