RIVERFRONT 4 ACRES Lackawaxen River

RIVERFRONT 4 ACRES -THIS IS IT Build your dream home on this beautiful piece of serenity Property gently rises from the Lackawaxen River to a level plateau to the perfect spot to build your most perfect RIVERFRONT home. Property can also be accessed from Engvaldsen Rd above. Nature at it s best Close to State Game lands ski big bear & Lake Wallenpaupack. OWNER GUARANTEES PERC. Buyer come choose your location MLS 18-2244 Call or Text Lora Ubaldi Realtor (570) 228-6251 and include the word 18-2244 plus your email address so I can email you the list of properties. Coldwell Banker Lakeview Realtors 2543 Rt. 6 Suite 1 Hawley PA 18428 wallenpaupack(at)hotmail.com



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