Alvin - Male American Mix

Looking for a friendly playful extrovert to share your life QUICK CALL ALVIN Walk in the door and he will race to greet you with a cheery so wonderful to see you hello. Sit on the floor and there he will be nudging and poking and eager for the merrymaking to begin. Give him room to roam and Alvin will be stage center entertainment doing what happy bunnies do - making you laugh with his sudden leaps of joy at being free to dance on your rug. Guaranteed he will always be roaming to where the action is. Alvin s happy-go-lucky out-going nature makes him particularly amenable to family life. BUNNIES ARE MAGIC. If you have always wanted to live with a different companion animal meet our adoptable rabbits at BUNNY PLAYGROUND SATURDAYS 2-4 PM. All Sonoma Humane Society rabbits are COMPANION HOUSE RABBITS and MUST LIVE IN THE HOUSE ONLY and kept safe from dogs. Indoor rabbits live 10-12 years and require long-term care and commitment years of love and joy to give and receive. Primary Color Red Weight 5.76 Age 0yrs 10mths 3wks... More Info



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