Daisy Mae - Female Papillon Mix

Courtesy Posting for Daisy Mae. Please contact Denise at ---(at)--X or call -----X Daisy was adopted from a shelter at 2 years old after being found on the streets haggled and frightened. She has been with my Aunt and Uncle for 6 years until 6 months ago when they passed. I have recently taken her to foster to find her a forever home. She is a very sweet 8 year old Pappion mix who weighs 16 pound. She gets along with my dog and does not chase my cat (or the squirrels in the backyard for that matter). She is spayed and up to date on vaccines.She is house trained and has not had one accident in the 4 weeks she s been with us she will bark at the door if she needs to go out. She also likes to bark at the door bell.She loves car rides and would be a great traveler and can snuggle all night watching movies She loves my 14 year old who takes her on walks with our other dog and loves to sleep with him but will sleep in her kennel as well. We are getting her back in shape as she has been house bound the last 3 years. She s good natured about baths and sleeping on the couch or her bed during the day or wandering in the backyard. She is bone protective so don t reach for her bone but taking away her food bowl is okay.She really is a love and I wish we could keep her but she deserves a forever family with middle age kids or a couple at home so she gets more attention.Please email Denise at ---(at)--X or call -----X... More Info



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