Patch - Male Hound (Unknown Type) Mix

Howdy Folks My name is Patch and I am a hound mix that is less than 1 year old who is currently in training at Puppies for Parole in Cameron MO. I have lots of energy and love to learn. I currently know my basics such as sit stay lay down leave it and recall where I come when called off leash. I am also house trained and kennel trained. I also am working on high 5 hugs pic up drop it place fetch sit pretty dance and I also give kisses. I am also good with my nose so the possibilities are endless for me. I need an owner that really wants to have a fun dog and will teach me lots of things. I am still in training but should be ready real soon...Hopefully a family is looking for a dog just like me If you are interested in meeting or adopting this dog or if you have any questions please feel free to contact our volunteer Kathy Zipp at --X(at)---XX or contact her at -----X. We will try to respond back as quickly as we can but all of our staff or volunteers also work. Thank you... More Info



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