Male Peek-a-Poo - Price: 300

These little guys are family raised and just so much fun. They have been raised with lots of love and affection. Looking for their forever homes. Puppies have had all worming and first shots. Puppies are played with all day by a 2 & 4 year old almost completely potty trained. The Peek A Poo is friendly intelligent and loving of its family. Peek A Poos tend to be calmer than most other toy breeds. The Peek A Poo is usually well behaved though it can be stubborn. Peek A Poos have a loud bark which they employ frequently especially when they hear loud noises but this can be overcome with training. They like to amuse their owners with playful antics. Temperament The Peek A Poo is wary of strangers and highly protective of its family. It gets along well with children dogs and other pets but socialization when young is recommended. Young children should be supervised around the Peek A Poo to ensure they treat it with respect. 218-234-3241



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