Laser hair removal machine. Luminette Advance IPL multi purpose

LUMINETTE ADVANCE IPL LASER HAIR REMOVAL MACHINE This machine has achieved fantastic results. It is ideal for a new business or existing businesses looking for a professional system. This system is used in the best aesthetics clinics throughout the United Kingdom. The luminette advance is a compact and portable Intense Pulse Light (IPL) system offering the most popular aesthetic treatments. Including Permanent hair reduction Vascular treatments thread veins rosacea Photo-rejuvenation Pigmentation removal Active acne control This machine comes complete with Lyntons Manual Full service history 2 hand pieces 585 hand piece 650 hand piece 2 pairs of protective goggles variety of treatment heads NEW shot cartridge Excellent condition preloved machine only selling because I have 3 luminette machines and only open the clinic part time now. Price 9995 ONO Please call 07840470818 for further information or to arrange viewing



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