Home 4 Sale? PRE INSPECT and $ave with a Certified Home Inspecto

Hello Are you planning on selling your home or have it for sale already and uncertain of the condition...Will the home inspector come in and deliver bad news causing you to put up repair money or worse drastically reduce the price Times are hard home sales have plummeted to your disadvantage. I offer a unique service to come to you home and do a pre inspection. I am a certified home inspector and for a small fee and a few hrs. of your time I will do a 35 point pre inspection of your entire home and lot. I will offer suggestions to repair or other options prior to the buyers inspector showing at your door. Inspectors report what they see and will not be liable for the unseen. I will give you a finalized checklist and put you mind at ease. I have been an inspector for 4 yrs. and have many references. Pricing is very reasonable 0 to 2 500 sq. ft 60.00 2 500 to 3 000 sq. ft. 75.00 and 3 000 to 3 500 sq. ft. 90.00. Over 20 miles in 1 direction addl fees may apply. Call 542-2577 to schedule an appointment and I strongly recommend that you be with me the entire time 1to 3 hrs. is all so that I can explain what I am doing and what needs to be serviced. I do not do maintenance any longer I am retired. If I don t answer be sure and leave a message and I will get back with you. Thank You I am fully certified but not liscened. State of Nevada does not require a license for consultation.



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