BITSY - Female Pit Bull Terrier

Bitsy is a very friendly lady She just came back fro the shelter from a foster care. She has lived in a home with children ( 6 year old boy and & 7 year old girl ) cats small dogs large dogs and rodents ( hamsters and pigs ) . shes real fond of small and large male dogs. She has been able to play with male and female dogs. She enjoys the water and playing outside. she loves stuffed animals so much she turns them in to snow ) . Bitsy is fully crate trained and we are still working on potty training. She is great on car rides and truly looks forward to them . Bitsy is very food motivated and loves toys. Bitsy walks great on a leash with and without her harness. has has experienced living in a single family home and an apartment. shes great gong up and down stairs. she gets very excited when people come around and loves to please. She loves being an inside dog and is very happy sleeping on her dog bed on the floor. Bitsy is full of energy and is truly a cuddle bug.... More Info



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